Mary Jane Antoon
Administrator of the Erie Ambulatory Location
Shriners Hospitals for Children (SHC)
Member Spotlight Q&A: Mary Jane Antoon
Current company, position, and other organizational affiliations:
Shriners Hospitals for Children (SHC), Administrator of the Erie Ambulatory Location
Villa Maria College, Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Magna Cum Laude, 1980
Gannon University, Master of Science in Nursing, With Distinction, 1990
What do you enjoy most about your current position?
Leading the mission of Shriners Hospitals for Children at the Erie ambulatory location and being part of an organization that values patients, families, staff and providers.
What professional accomplishment are you most proud of?
SHC – Erie achieved the #1 ranking in the nation for Best Places to Work in Healthcare for 2019. This award was such a tremendous tribute to our great team.
Why did you decide to join ACHE?
I joined ACHE about 17 years ago with the encouragement of two colleagues at that time who were members. ACHE has provided the opportunity to learn, share and grow as a healthcare executive. Earning the FACHE credential also has provided recognition as a healthcare leader and demonstrates a commitment to lifelong learning and development.
What has been your favorite ACHE event and why?
The local chapter education events are so important, especially the northern based ones for those of us in Erie and northwest PA. I also used the tuition waiver to attend a Cluster in the past, a very generous benefit!
How have you applied your ACHE experience to your current role?
ACHE helps guide my leadership and decision-making every day. The importance and value of ACHE as a resource for daily practice, opportunities and challenges can’t be underestimated.
What is your favorite thing to do in Pittsburgh?
I learned a lot about Pittsburgh when my son attended undergrad at Pitt. Pitt football remains a favorite, as well as the many diverse places to eat and enjoy.
Ways to connect with you (LinkedIn, email, etc.)
The best way to connect with me is mjantoon@shrinenet.org