Dorene Sommers, RN, BSN, MBA, VHA-CM
Associate Director, Patient Care Services
Department of Veterans Affairs, Erie, PA
ACHE Western PA Role: Director at Large
Dorene M. Sommers serves as the Associate Director, Patient Care Services/Nurse Executive for the Erie Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Erie, Pennsylvania. Ms. Sommers joins the executive leadership team in the overall management of the medical center. She is involved in budget formulation and execution, including workload planning and utilization management; recruitment and retention of nursing staff; accreditation and quality management activities; and adherence to nursing practice and ethical standards. She is responsible for planning, directing and managing nursing practice throughout the medical center and in the associated community based outpatient clinics. Additionally, she provides oversight for Nutrition and Food Services, Chaplain Services, and the Sterile Processing Services.
Her tenure at the Erie VA Medical Center began in January 2007 as the Associate Nurse Executive. Prior to that appointment, she was the Nurse Manager of the Cardiac Surgical Intensive Care Unit at the Carilion Clinic in Roanoke, Virginia. In addition, she planned and implemented the opening of a thoracic surgery care unit. For several years she enjoyed working as a traveling nurse throughout the United States.
Ms. Sommers received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing from Duquesne University in 1997. Later, she earned a Master of Business Administration Degree from Averett University. She is an active member of several nursing organizations, the American College of Healthcare Executives, and regularly serves as a volunteer for community groups.